Our Team

Pragya Mittal

I have touring leading in my blood. One of the main reasons why I started this profession was to meet other people around the world who share my love to travel. I am natural and travelers really love me for this style and friendliness and unhurried approach to sightseeing. All of these experiences gave me personal insight and expanded my view of myself and other people share our tour experience with. I find personal interaction as interesting as destination. I am a Professional Tourist Guide trained and licensed from Ministry of Tourism, Government of India secured first rank all over India.

I have been working as a Tour Escort or Guide since 2007, as a free lancer with world renowned travel companies like Abercrombie and Kent, The Taj Tours, Le Passage to India, Travel Corporation of India, Adventure World Etc. I have conducted the various VIP sightseeing, which was directly assigned to me by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.


  • S.A.A.R.C. Delegation of 2007 (South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation) It consisted of Home Ministers of Seven different countries- India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives & Bangladesh.
  • Deputy Mayor of Charters Tower Australia
  • Financial Advisor of BERKSHIRE Investment Group Inc.
  • Margie T. Logarta Managing Editor of PANACEA of Asia.
  • Vice-President of African Development Bank.
  • President of Yakult Philippines, Inc.
  • President of KORD SAGLOBAL.
  • Senior Managers of ALSTOM.
  • C.E.O of Korean Airways.
  •  Ambassador of the UAE to India.
  • Executive Director of Westminster University. USA.
  • Board members of South African Cricket Team.
  •  G.E. Delegations
  •  Sportspersons of Common Wealth Games held in New Delhi